From Hell to High Seas


She loves her husband, her job, her friends, and the sailing hobby she and her husband share. She is devastated when she discovers that her truck-driving husband has been living with a younger woman while driving on long hauls away from home. He wants to leave the marriage to ‘find himself’. At the age of 59, she is terrified of the idea of starting again. Then something happens that changes her life forever. She signs on as a crew member on a boat about to sail across the Atlantic. The captain is a total stranger. Suddenly her life is filled with interesting people, adventurous experiences, and fun with a capital F as her journey takes her through the magical Mediterranean, into exciting Morocco, the scenic Canary Islands, and to the exotic Caribbean! She finds her true passion; now that’s ‘finding yourself’! Who says divorce has to be the end? Sometimes it is just the beginning.

Author Bio

Janice Brandt moved to Canada from Sheffield, England at the age of 20. She has sailed in many parts of the world. Initially, she crewed for other captains but recently she and her partner have a boat of their own.


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